Saturday, March 5, 2011

Michael Bay admits Transformers 2 sucked, still proves he's an idiot

Bay states the obvious when it comes to his own Transformers…. but still proves he’s out of touch on filmmaking.

“I love it when you see these things: ‘The 3D event of the year!’ You see it every movie,” he says. “There was a recent movie where you go in and before it starts they put up a little plate: ‘These scenes were not shot in 3D.’ Are you kidding? I think our 3D works really well with the robots, the size, the girth, the weight of it … it’s spectacular.”

I can assume he’s referring to Tron: Legacy. Now, I’m not going to claim that Tron is the pinnacle of filmmaking, but I’m going to bet that Michael Bay did not see the film… as not shooting the beginning and ending scenes in 3-D was a fantastic choice.

Clearly, the jokes write themselves when it comes to Michael Bay.