Friday, September 23, 2011

The Problem with THE X FACTOR

The long-awaited and much-hyped premiere of Simon Cowell's new reality extravaganza The X Factor has come and gone, with decidedly mixed reactions. I've read a whole bunch of reviews and recaps, finding that I agree and disagree with aspects of all of them. So, here you go, my review.

I've seen a few episodes of the original UK version of the show, and absolutely loved it. I could best describe it as American Idol on steroids, creating a much more fun show. The Simon Cowell seen in that incarnation was absolutely nothing like the Simon Cowell from Idol, which did nothing but enhance the show. The American version, thus far however? It's American Idol live. That's all. The same auditions you have to deal with for the first month of the show, just now held in an arena full of people. The judge's banter, the at times forced arguments about who should go on, the catering to famewhores and wannabes... it's exactly the same.

And, frankly, I blame American Idol.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

GLEE returns... with a bang.

With a couple of episodes to go last season, I thought to myself that I wished I wrote weekly Glee blog posts, so I could have a place to nitpick about the aspects of Glee that annoyed me. So, naturally, when I finally decide to start up a weekly Glee post series... I have few nitpicks. Of course. Regardless, I wrote out my thoughts on the series, after the jump.