Thursday, December 29, 2011

OW11: 50/50

50/50 (2011 film)

Image via Wikipedia

What we have here is a beautifully written movie filled with absolutely wonderful performances. The script by real-life cancer-survivor Adam Reiser is heart-breaking, hilarious, touching, and full of hope, often all at the same time. The performances are all top notch, especially from the always wonderful Joseph Gorden-Levitt and the delightful Anna Kendrick. Seth Rogan was also surprisingly good, even if he was playing the same old Seth Rogan role (which I learned later was the point, as his character is based on... Seth Rogan).

In all, this movie is sure to go down as one of my favorites of the year. I typically find a "little" movie to root for at the Oscars... 50/50 will almost certainly be 2011's.

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