Friday, December 28, 2012

#OW12: Les Misérables

Directed by Tom Hooper

Starring Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, Eddie Redmayne, Amanda Seyfried, Sacha Baron Cohen, Helena Bonham Carter, Aaron Tveit & Samantha Barks

Released December 25, 2012
Watched December 25, 2012 score:  4/5 stars
Contenders:  Best Picture, Best Actor (Jackman), Best Supporting Actress (Hathaway), Best Supporting Actor (Redmayne), Best Director

Being a "man of the theater", if you will, Les Miserables was right up there with the big geek movies of the year as my most anticipated movies of the year. I was so incredibly eager to see Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway, two of my favorite actors in the business, tear into Jean Valjean and Fantine. I was excited to see what Tom Hooper handpicked as his follow-up to The King's Speech. But perhaps most of all, I was extremely interested to see how such a theatrical musical like Les Mis would be adapted to the screen. So this review is going to be in a different format as my other OW12 reviews, much more in depth, and will use those particular hopes as something of an outline.

First, the cast. Clearly, the producers wanted big names to fill out the cast, and they should be commended for finding actors that would create buzz while also being appropriate for the roles. I won't sit here and say all of the actors shined when it came to the musical aspects of the film (here's looking at you, Russell Crowe), but the actors all fit for the most part. Hugh Jackman is more a Javert to me, but his Valjean was solid. Russell Crowe acted Javert well enough, but fell far short vocally. The real standouts, however, are Anne Hathaway and Eddie Redmayne. Hathaway's "I Dreamed a Dream" is the absolute showstopper the song deserves... I would be absolutely floored if she doesn't leave the Oscars a winner, something I fully expected from the announcement of her casting. Redmayne, however, is an absolute revelation as Marius. Marius is a tough role in that he's easily played too soft, too lovey dovey, too cold, not strong enough... or the complete opposite. Redmayne's take is a perfect blend of all the right elements, topped off with some of the finest vocals in the film. I'm hoping that this is Redmayne's arrival on the big Hollywood stage.

Tom Hooper does a great job of presenting Les Misérables the musical on film: the emotional highs and lows are nailed, the scope of the film is just about right, the film looks great, and wonderful performances are had. This is a musical with all sorts of iconic imagery that would truly be missed if missing from the film, but Hooper replicates them without them feeling forced, which is a feat in and of itself. All the buzz about the film (perhaps rightfully so) is the whole "live singing" aspect, with the actors singing their roles live on set, as opposed to singing to pre-recorded vocals. The technique adds a level of realism and spontaneity to the film, but does expose some of the vocal shortcomings of the actors (specifically in Crowe, but all of the principles had rough vocal moments, for sure). That said, it allowed for actual acting by the actors, so I'll most certainly take it.

The problem with Les Misérables, for me, stems from the source material itself. The musical is such a richly theatrical piece, almost completely sung-through and filled with what are essentially monologues set to music. These work spectacularly on stage... but suffer a bit when on film. The near monotony of the proceedings is also made worse by the live-vocal techniques used by Hooper, which limited many of the musical performances to one close up shot of the actors. Hooper and his crew does what they can with these limitations, but in the end, the movie ends up feeling every bit as long as it's 2:37 run time, if not longer. This is perhaps blasphemous for a theatre fan to say, but I would have absolutely loved to see an actual movie adaptation of peace that was more a film musical, less of an opera, less of a filmed musical. The way that the film presents the stage musical on film in realistic locations is very much reminiscent of 2005's The Producers and Rent, which is not a good thing (though, obviously, having a skilled filmmaker in Tom Hooper solves many, many of the problems those two films had).

Don't let that last paragraph of criticisms fool you, however: I really, really enjoyed Les Misérables. It was absolutely everything I expected of the film, which is both a positive and a negative. There is a whole lot to really love about this film, though I can't throw myself behind it completely. I'm already planning a second viewing though... afterall, that's what we "men of the theatre" do!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

#OW12: Lincoln

Screenplay by Tony Kushner
Directed by Stephen Spielberg

Starring Daniel Day Lewis, Sally Field, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Tommy Lee Jones and tons more

Released November 9, 2012
Watched December 13, 2012 score:  3.5/5 stars
Contenders:  Adapted Screenplay, Director, Leading Actor, Best Picture... basically everything

Lincoln is a perfect example where my "skills" at separating aspects of what I see.

First, the performance by Daniel Day Lewis is absolutely deserving of every accolade it's received, and will almost assuredly take home the Oscar.

The scope and tone of the film was exactly right for me. When I first learned of the film, I feared that the movie would turn Abraham Lincoln into this god-like figure, as opposed to a president dealing with what he had to deal with. I am extremely happy that this was not the case, that the film concerned itself with the moment as much as it did the man (if that makes any sense). This is a trapping that biopics often fall into, but Lincoln mostly avoided.

My problem with the film most lies in the screenplay. While obviously this is a film without many action sequences or whatever, the characters are incredibly long-winded, to the point where it's easy to lose what they are saying. For me, this is my general problem with Tony Kushner... the man is an absolutely stirring writer, but sometimes loves his words. Unfortunately for me, it came off somewhat dry.

In all, however, this is probably the film to beat come Oscar time. I can see it winning a vast majority of the awards, and deservedly so. I can't say it's my favorite film of the year to this point, but I can most certainly see and feel it's power.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

#OW12: Looper

Written by Rian Johnson
Directed by Rian Johnson

Starring Joseph Gordon Levitt, Bruce Willis and Emily Blunt

Released September 28, 2012
Watched September 29, 2012 score:  4.5/5 stars
Contenders:  Original Screenplay, Blunt (Supporting Actress)
Before I gush, I must highlight the performance of Emily Blunt. Her role was specifically hidden in the trailer, so I somewhat forgot she was in the film until she made her first appearance... and even then, I wasn't 100% sure it was her. I absolutely love when an actor or actress completely transforms themselves into a role, and this is absolutely a case of that. I would be willing to doubt she will get much serious Oscar consideration, but as I write this, there aren't many other performances I'd put ahead of Blunt from this year.

I appreciate good science fiction, especially science fiction that doesn't cater to the masses. I read an interview with Rian Johnson that Looper isn't a film that needs a director's cut, because what was released WAS the director's cut, and I really admire that. That said... that is probably what will keep this film from the glory (and that's fine!). I enjoyed the hell out of this movie, and absolutely cannot wait to own it on blu-ray.

Friday, November 30, 2012

#OW12: Skyfall

Written by John Logan, Neal Purvis & Robert Wade
Directed by Sam Mendes

Starring Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Judi Dench and Ralph Fiennes

Released November 9, 2012
Watched November 9, 2012 score: 4/5 stars
Contenders: Bardem (Supporting Actor)
I've never really been the type that goes absolutely gaga over the James Bond films. I do see the value in them, and I've certainly enjoyed them in the past, but I'm not the type that bought the giant box or counted down the days until the next installment came along. But Skyfall... Skyfall changed all that. I was incredibly excited for this, and the payoff more than lived up to my expectations. I absolutely can't wait for the next film.

This isn't an Oscar-type movie, really, but it's on my list, so this review is here. To keep it somewhat relevant, I wouldn't be floored to see a supporting actor nod go to Javier Bardem, but that'd be a longshot. Too bad, he was spectacular.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

#OW12: Argo

Written by Chris Terrio
Directed by Ben Affleck

Starring Ben Affleck, Bryan Cranston, Alan Arkin & John Goodman

Released October 12, 2012
Watched October 25, 2012 score:  5/5 stars
Contenders:  Affleck (Director), Adapted Screenplay, Best Picture

This is one of maybe 4 films in this year's crop of films that, in every way, is absolutely "Oscar Bait", but I am more than fine with this fact. Argo is a truly, truly wonderful film in every way. It's a very interesting film: you know the ending going into it, and really, the film doesn't contain much by the way of action... but if you aren't on the edge of your seat from the very outset, you simply do not have a soul. I recall thinking on my way out of the theatre how exhausted I was by the film... it was THAT intense. Great stuff.

Also... how many people would have thought in 2005 that Steven Spielberg (fresh off of his War of the Worlds adaptation/dud) & Ben Affleck (of then-recent Surviving Christmas, Jersey Girl, Gigli and Daredevil fame) would be squaring off at the Oscars just 7 years later?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

#OW11: The Life of Pi

Screenplay by David Magee
Directed by Ang Lee

Starring Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan and Adil Hussain

Released November 21, 2012
Watched November 27, 2012 score: 3.5/5 stars
Contenders: Best Picture, Best Director, Adapted Screenplay
What we have here is a visually stunning, spectacularly imaginative, incredibly entertaining film by Ang Lee, based on what some have called an unfilmable novel. I haven't read the novel, but if what was on the screen is what is in the book, I most likely would have said the same thing.

I'll say this: I really, really enjoyed this film. It is nothing short of a masterpiece when it comes to visuals, which I loved. That said, there was something that kept me from being completely engaged in the stuggles of young Pi; perhaps it was Suraj Sharma's performance, perhaps I didn't sufficiently suspend disbelief, perhaps it was the stunning visuals, or perhaps it was device used to tell the story. The truth is probably some combination of those factors, but the fact remains that I was kept somewhat at a distance. But I must emphasize: I really enjoyed this film.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

#OW12: Perks of Being a Wallflower

Written by Stephen Chbosky
Directed by Stephen Chbosky

Starring Logan Lerman, Emma Watson and Ezra Miller

Released October 12, 2012
Watched September 27, 2012 (early screening) score:  4/5 stars
Contenders:  Adapted Screenplay
I figured that a film adaptation of this deeply personal, cult classic novel would eliminate all the charm and all the humanity from the story, barring a truly remarkable leading performance and an inspired screenplay, handled by a director who fully understood the piece. But, wouldn't you know it, this film had all three of those elements.

I'm fully aware that this isn't the type of film that scores big at the Academy Awards, but I'm including it in this year's Oscar Watch series because I want to pull for an underdog. And this is my underdog thus far.

Also, in an ideal world, Logan Lerman wins SOMETHING for this film.

Monday, November 26, 2012

#OW12: The Master

Written by Paul Thomas Anderson
Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson

Starring Philip Seymour Hoffman, Joaquin Phoenix and Amy Adams

Released September 1, 2012
Watched October 1, 2012 score:  2.5/5 stars
Contenders:  Phoenix (Best Actor), Hoffman (Supporting Actor), Adams (Supporting Actress)

My initial tweet kind of says it all. Philip Seymour Hoffman and Joaquin Phoenix are very, very good (yes, Oscar level good), but overall, the film wasn't the film I was hoping for. Elements of the film seemed to build to something spectacular at various points in the film, but it never quite reached that level. The end result was something uneven, somewhat boring, and ultimately rather indulgent. Very disappointing.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Oscar Watch 2012

I'm once again going to attempt to see all the movies with crazy "Oscar buzz", if you will, following my adventures in 2010 and 2011. I am going to make an effort to keep things brief this year, and have ideas to do so (but will be experimenting in the upcoming week).

In compiling this year's "to watch" list, I encountered, a website designed to handicap the award chances of the assorted films. Call me crazy, but that seems as good a place as any to steal my list from. Looking at their results from last year, their odds to be nominated "standings" proved rather accurate, with 8 of their top 9 films actually being nominated... good enough for me. I will copy their whole list after the cut for posterity reasons, but do visit for more information. This is going to be a fun couple of months!

I will be posting my first run of reviews (for films I've already seen from the list) sometime this week.

Edit, 12/17/12: I'll be updating this post with links to the posted reviews, periodically. Some links may be broken, if the reviews haven't been posted as I update this post.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

THE X-FACTOR 2012 Top 12: Divas

First off, absolutely LOVED the whole leaderboard thing XFUSA introduced last week. Sure, it's ultimately a pointless exercise, as the votes aren't cumulative (....right?), but still really interesting. Plus... TATE number 1?!? Obviously from my last blog post, I most certainly did not expect that.

Oh, and Jason going home? Shocker! Not.


Top 12 (for reals this time): Divas!

Jannel Garcia

Last week: #7 - "Proud Mary" by Ike & Tina Turner
Vocally, I didn't love this performance. The song didn't sit consistently right in Jannel's voice... not a terrible fit, but not as good as it could be. But the performance as a whole? Fantastic.

Tate Stevens

Last week: #1 - "From this Moment" by Shania Twain
Like my criticism of "A Thousand Years" last week, the beauty of this song is in it's simplicity... which was completely lost in the translation from female solo to male solo. Though that said, this was a good performance. Not as good as the judges are making it out to be, but good stuff.

Diamond White

Last week: #4 - "Already Gone" by Kelly Clarkson "Halo" by Beyonce
The worst thing for Diamond was to show she could belt that one time. Now, she's given these giant vocal ballads that she absolutely cannot handle... Whitney last week, Beyonce this week. C'mon now. Pitch problems throughout, and the power wasn't there consistently. Naturally, this isn't discussed by the judges, but it does sound drastically different live, absolutely. Can we get something age-appropriate next week, Brit?

Beatrice Miller

Last week: #10 - "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper
Zzzz.... It seems to me that Britney has a little trouble picking out songs for Beatrice. She's a hard one to figure.

Lyric 145

Last week: #9 - "E.T." by Katy Perry / "We Will Rock You" by Queen
My head hurts. I think it's from Lyric 145 yelling at me in conjunction with obnoxious strobe lights. And it's all sad, as I've enjoyed Lyric 145 thus far. Also, the group ignoring the judges, shouting out to the crowd over the critiques? That makes them come off even worse.

Arin Ray

Last week: #11 - "Crazy for You" by Madonna
There's an inherent danger when you strip a performance down, leaving a performers vocals the star of a particular performance. That danger was fully realized here... as Arin isn't a great vocalist. That was as a borderline trainwreck. Ouch.

Paige Thomas

Last week: #8 - "Last Dance" by Donna Summer
Holy trainwreck, Batman! I don't understand a word coming out of the judge's mouths. I don't think I could find a redeeming quality in that performance if I tried... everything was atrocious. Ho boy.

Fifth Harmony

Last week: #5 - "Hero" by Mariah Carey
All of Fifth Harmony's performances are exactly the same... trade solos, add harmony, call it a day. Also, that's how One Direction operates. Coincidence? Not at all. This, like last week's, turned a relatively simple song into something much more complicated... but this week, it worked. It's a Mariah song... subtlety isn't a concern. The chick in the middle, though... trainwreck on the massive key change. Good thing there was WAY too much production and wailing going on to really notice...

Carly Rose Sonenclar

Last week: #2 - "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion
On one hand, when the song got real big at the end, the performance got a bit messy. But on the other hand... that was fantastic. Normally I get annoyed by the judges playing the "OMG, YOU AREN'T REALLY HOW YOUNG YOU SAY YOU ARE!", but I completely agree with them. I would *never* guess Carly was 13. Never.

Vino Alan

Last week: #3 - "Let's Stay Together" by Tina Turner
Tina Turner did a cover of this... so it's a diva song, I guess. Whatever. Either way, this was a boring, overdone performance. Once again, there's no subtlety in Vino's voice, so the softer parts of the song just don't work.


Last week: #6 - "No One" by Alicia Keys
I'm going to sound like Simon here: if Emblem3 were to release that to the radio today, it would be a big, big hit. That is probably the first time all season where I can honestly say that about an performance on the show... but it really is true.

CeCe Frey

Last week: #12 - "All By Myself" by Celine Dion
You know, through the first half of the song, I though CeCe was making it work. Painful song choice, trite production... but then the wind machine started up, CeCe started shrieking, pitch went out the window, voices started cracking... ho boy. The train went off the cliff. 


Since apparently this is the season of the leaderboard on XFUSA... I'll come up with my own rankings. These are my rankings based on tonight alone.
  1. Emblem3
  2. Fifth Harmony
  3. Carly Rose Sonenclar
  4. Jannel Garcia
  5. Tate Stevens
  6. Beatrice Miller
  7. Diamond White
  8. Vino Alan
  9. Lyric 145
  10. Paige Thomas
  11. Arin Ray
  12. CeCe Frey
I really want to like CeCe Frey. I do... but she's kind of a trainwreck. She'll almost surely be gone... as for the second person to be eliminated this week, I can easily see it being Arin Ray or Paige Thomas. Or even Lyric 145. All four deserve it after tonight's performances. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

THE X FACTOR US 2012 Top 12: "Songs from the Movies"

Well... top 13. For some reason, Diamond White was brought back. I don't know why. Whatever.

I was off in my predictions last week... oops. But honestly, the performances didn't really surprise me. So, with that.

Top 12 13: Songs from the Movies!

Arin Ray

Britney's Teens - "American Boy" by... hell if I know. 
MUCH better than last week, but still many of the same issues remain. The vocals were much, much better in places, but the chorus often fell a bit flat, a bit thin. Much better, though.

Paige Thomas

Demi's Young Adults - "Take My Breath Away" by Berlin (from Top Gun)
Yeah, I didn't quite get this performance. Like Arin, the vocals were much better than last week, but overal, many of the same issues from last week remain... but Paige doesn't quite have the charisma for a song performance like Demi seems to want from her. Unfortunately, though, her vocals aren't quite strong enough to overcome that. 

Vino Alan

LA's Over 25s - "When a Man Loves a Woman" by Percy Sledge (from... well I'm sure it's in some movie sometime)
What type of music is Vino trying to do? Because this was a COMPLETELY different type of song than last week... and neither really sit too well for me. Perhaps its the way that Vino barrels through his performances... who knows. Not really a fan.


Simon's Groups - A bizarre mashup of songs including "My Girl", "California Girls" and "What Makes You Beautiful" ("My Girl" is from My Girl, so it totally counts)
Simon has been harping on music production tonight, so I'll say it... what the hell was that? That mashup kind of worked, kind of failed, and came off like they were trying way too hard. Also, hate to harp, but the way these guys come off sometimes... too abrasive.

Beatrice Miller

Team Britney - "Iris" by The Goo Goo Dolls (from City of Angels)
I know they played vocal issues leading up to this performance, which is too bad... but it's really not a surprise, as Beatrice didn't really sing this song. Perhaps it's because of the issues, or maybe the cause of it, but way too screamy. A lower key would have been a smart choice. 

Jannel Garcia

Team Demi - "I Love Rock 'n' Roll" by Joan Jett (I don't know what this is from... but didn't Britney sing it in Crossroads? Hey, that's more feasible than "California Girls"!)
My first thought was "what a song choice!", but the first verse was mostly a sound-alike, disappointment. I was a bit nervous. Then the second verse came around, and Jannel did her thing, and completely rocked it. Fantastic. I do kind of understand what Simon and LA discussed (this was a clear Joan Jett cover), but for my money, Jannel made it work. Next week may be a good time for something totally original and unexpected... but in the meantime, Jannel rocks.

Tate Stevens

Team LA - "Wanted Dead or Alive" by Bon Jovi (from... Rock of Ages?)
I won't lie, I dug that. I love that song, as cheesy as it is, and I do love it with a little country injected into it. I still don't think he belongs on this particular show, but that was good stuff.

Lyric 145

Team Simon - "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" (...from Mary Poppins. For reals.)
Well. THAT was something. I'm not sure if it was a trainwreck of a something or something completely and utterly awesome, but I was most certainly entertained.

Diamond White

Team Britney - "I Have Nothing" by Whitney Houston (from The Bodyguard and every season of every singing show ever)
I'm SO glad Diamond was brought back to sing Whitney in front of a screen full of diamonds! Because none of that was expected at all. Unfortunately though, Diamond was almost painfully flat in all the money parts of the song, and it came across very screechy as a result. A 13 year-old girl should not be singing this song, as it's a song most female singers would never dream of attempting. Ugh.

CeCe Frey

#teamdemi - "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor (from Rocky)
After CeCe said in her intro video that she was doing this song, I prepared my thoughts, typing "Apparently Demi didn't learn from last week's drastically different CeCe performances"... but you know what? This was MUCH better than last week's terrible song choice. But it was still pretty bad. The vocals from CeCe were still a bit inconsistent, but were definitely on the mark more often than not, more often than they were last week. So, yay improvement. But where was CeCe standing still, doing Whitney? I love me some Demi, but Simon is right: Demi is pushing her the wrong way.

Carly Rose Sonenclar

#teambritbrit - "It Will Rain" by Bruno Mars (from crappy vampire crap)
I hated the arrangement of this song... but THAT was a performance. I liked her last week, but that was a major bounce-back performance. I think some sort of old school movie musical song would have suited Carly Rose better, but I do understand why something much more modern was chosen. Good stuff either way.

Jason Brock

#teamLA - "I Believe I Can Fly" by R. Kelly (from Space Jam, which needs a sequel ASAP)
Without Jason's half-shirtless dancers and glitter all over the place, this performance was like watching paint dry. Which, actually, is what I've come to expect from this song on performance shows like this. Nothing special here, but aside from the crack at the end, I enjoyed Jason's vocals here. More dancers and glitter next week, please and thank you. Also, LA, PLEASE heed Britney's suggestion. Jason Brock needs to do "something urban". MAKE THIS HAPPEN.

Fifth Harmony (formerly 1432) (formerly LYLAS)

#teamsimon - "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri (from crappy vampire crap)
To me, the beauty of this song is it's simplicity. So, in a way, adding all the vocal masturbation to this song completely destroys this song... but damn, those harmonies. Fantastic. Also, line of the night from LA Reid: "I really can't say anything about the name, because America picked the name for you, right? Womp womp."


Hit or miss show tonight, really. Not really sure how things are going to go, since it's the first night of voting. Also, I don't know how they are doing eliminations. So, I'll give a winner and a bottom 2, if you will...

Winner of the Night

Honestly, I don't think there is one specific winner from tonight. Nobody really gave a performance that was far and away the best... Jannel, Lyric 145 and Carly Rose were probably the best for me, but since I'm making a point to name just one... I'll again go with my girl Jannel Garcia.

Watch Out

Again, I preface this with the fact that this is the first week of voting, so how backstories come into play isn't really known yet. If I had to nominate a bottom two, though, I'd go with Jason Brock and Diamond White. Brock seems more and more like the joke contestant of the show, and Diamond is way out of her league here. But Diamond has the backstory factor. So we shall certainly see. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

THE X FACTOR US 2012 Goes Live: "Made in America"

Or, perhaps, the premiere of Britney Freakout on Live TV Watch.

But, seriously, I have been more than entertained by The X Factor this season. I have absolutely loved the whole documentary feel to the auditions thus far, the play between the judges, everything. I've also been really intrigued by the talent this season

Now, read here: I didn't say I've been blown away by the talent... because, I haven't, aside from a select few contestants. On another talent search show, I'd find this problematic... but The X Factor doesn't trump itself up to find the best vocalist, the person with the most talent, any of that. To me, the show unabashedly goes after the biggest star it can find. Like the other shows, it doesn't always succeed (quick, name the season 1 winner. I'll wait.), but they don't only put the best singers through. It's more than that. And I've found that incredibly entertaining thus far.

But the show is now live. So all that changes.

Since I haven't been blogging so far about the show, I'm going to set up this post as a 'before and after' type thing.

The Over 25s

Vino Alan

Before: I like his passion and his sound... but I'm not really feeling him for this competition. How is he relevant?
Tonight: Didn't quite work for me. Vino doesn't look like a star. Vino didn't act like a star. Vino didn't sound like a star. Troublesome performance.

Jason Brock

Before: I don't know if it's his look or the way he carries himself, but he strikes me as something of a novelty act. I've liked him so far, but again... how is he relevant?
Tonight: Oh my lord was that fun. Sure, it was stuff trainwrecks are made of, but that was extremely entertaining (though for the record, it wasn't a trainwreck... and was far from the worst of the night).

David Correy

Before: Just going to copy and paste, because it applies to him as well: I like his passion and his sound... but I'm not really feeling him for this competition. How is he relevant?
Tonight: Definitely the best of the three thus far. I do agree with Simon that David came off a bit desperate which was kind of jarring at this point in the competition, but not too too bad. Something to build on.

Tate Stevens

Before: I do enjoy me some country. I do. But not so much Tate Stevens. I don't get a star vibe from him at all, unfortunately. I see him has cannon fodder, to be blunt.
Tonight: Yeah, cannon fodder. That was a good, solid performance... but on this show, that was sleep inducing. 

The Teens

Beatrice Miller

Before: I feel like Beatrice is both too young for this competition, but too old for her category. Her judge's house performance was WELL beyond her years... but her attitude in the holding room hint that she's not quite ready for this show. I dunno, something about it rubbed me the wrong way. It'll be interesting to see how Britney handles her.
Tonight: "I Won't Give Up" - What a strange song choice. In theory, I liked it, but it didn't quite all add up in the end. Maybe it's the punk-rock look. Or the giant video of her in the background. The song also didn't really sit in Beatrice's voice well. Weird stuff.

Arin Ray

Before: Frankly... I'm indifferent. He keeps talking about how he was in a group last year, and how he wants to step out on his own... but really, that's what it seems like. On a much smaller scale, he really does remind me of one of the more backup members of a boyband trying a solo career. 
Tonight: "Keep Me Hanging On" - This is almost the same thing as Paige's performance: all the elements are there, but the vocals. I know I talked about how this isn't a show about vocals, but they still have to be up to par, and that just wasn't the case. There also seemed to be sound issues, which didn't do anything to help. Unfortunate.

Carly Rose Sonenclar

Before: Easily the best of the four in this group, due largely to her stage seasoning (which they haven't mentioned on the show, not shockingly). My only concern is that she comes across TOO strong, too old for her age. 
Tonight: Personally... I really, really liked this performance. I loved the vocals, and I loved the song choice... though I can see the criticism that she didn't quite connect with the song. 

Diamond White

Before: It seems to me that if Diamond had a bit more training, she'd be spectacular. Now, though, I'm not quite sure she's ready... 
Tonight: "Hey Soul Sister" - WAY too much going on. It doesn't seem to me that Diamond is too comfortable with the whole thing. Messy.

The Young Adults

CeCe Frey

Before: Really, I admire the way she walks the line between obnoxiously off-putting and fierce (and I hate that description... but it is exactly how I'd describe her). I love her vocals, but how she reacted to criticism at Demi's house was a bit troubling.
Tonight: Again with the too much going on. CeCe has a great voice... so let's have her going all over the stage and dancing and rolling around. Build up to that, don't go to that right off the bat. Kind of a mess, I would say.

Jannel Garcia

Before: I saw sassy Ms Garcia live in the Providence auditions, and it really struck me as a star-making performance. And her performances on the show have definitely lived up to that first impression for me. 
Tonight: "Home Sweet Home" - To start, Jannel seemed a little unsure of the lyrics or something, but quickly settled in. I won't pretend like this was a perfect performance (the vocals wavered a bit towards the end), but easily the most complete performance of the night.

Willie Jones

Before: I really don't get Willie Jones. My reasoning was touched on previously on the show: is he country? Is he R&B? It's fine if he can do both... but he's not really strong enough in either genre, based on what I've seen. Can he form a weird hybrid genre?
Tonight: Yeah, I didn't get it. He's given a country song, and he still can't really settle into the genre. Pick something! 

Paige Thomas

Before: I really enjoyed her first audition... but it's seemed that with each "round" before this, she's cracked more and more each time. Troublesome.
Tonight: "What Is Love?" - RIDICULOUS. But, I have the exact same concern. I'm all for weird performances, and this could certainly be called weird... but the vocals just were not there. Looked like a star performance, but she sounded absolutely terrified. Maybe by the spikes on her head.

The Groups


Before: I'm assuming I feel exactly like everyone else with these three: I'm fine with their talent, but they are completely obnoxious
Tonight: I have the same reaction to this performance that I did for their first one: good stuff, tons to build on... and they didn't come off like obnoxious little punks! Still time, though....

1432 (formerly LYLAS)

Before: I don't really remember these girls when they were solo. That said, their group performance at Simon's house was rather eye-opening... I'm excited to see where they go.
Tonight: "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" - Holy trainwreck. Some of the solo lines sounded really good... but other than that? Nothing else about that was good. Ouch. It all really seemed like 5 soloists trying to be a group. Not so much.

Lyric 145

Before: I saw the two guys audition in Providence, and they were rather obnoxious. But add in that third member, and they absolutely sparkled at Simon's house. As long as they don't revert to obnoxiousness, they could be something special.
Tonight: Alright, so, I don't know if that was super awesome or that was an annoying trainwreck. 50/50, perhaps. Entertaining enough, I do suppose.

Sister C

Before: I don't get the appeal of these three. They kind of seem like clones. I know Simon talked about how their voices fit well together, but I don't feel that in the slightest. I enjoyed their performance at Simon's house more than I did any of their previous ones... but I wasn't crazy about it.
Tonight: "Hell on Wheels" - I really don't feel these three when they sing in harmony. But when they sing their solos, I enjoy them so much more, especially the brunette.

I don't feel like writing up some complicated conclusion, I've written enough. So, I'll just get to my predictions.


Winner of the Night

In my (biased) opinion... Jannel Garcia. I could understand the argument for Emblem3, but I'll go with Jannel. But I'm biased.

Watch Out

They didn't really confirm on the show tonight, but I'm pretty sure one act from each category is going home... so I'll give who I believe is safe, and who I believe will go home.


Safe: Carly Rose Sonenclar. Based on her body of work, definitely safe.
In trouble: Arin Ray. I don't even remember much about his performance, just an hour or so later.

Young Adults:

Safe: Jannel Garcia. Are you surprised?
In trouble: Willie Jones. I would say Paige, but she was at least strong to start...

Over 25s:

Safe: David Correy. Came out the best tonight... but a pretty close category, if you ask me.
In trouble: Tate Stevens. So wrong for this competition.


Safe: Emblem3. No contest, really.
In trouble: Sister C. I would say the unfortunately re-named 1432, but then Simon would admit he was wrong so soon...

Saturday, June 9, 2012

ROCK OF AGES: Nothin' But A Good Time, Indeed

Image from Wikipedia

I was lucky enough to catch an early screening of Rock of Ages, the big-screen adaptation of the incredibly fun stage musical. I saw the national tour of the musical several months ago in Boston, and had an absolute blast... and the movie more than lives up to the stage version.

I had planned on using the format I used for my last review again, but to be honest, I'd have nothing to say. This movie would be all good. All of it. Now, it's not good in the vein of The Kings Speech or anything like that, absolutely not (in the theater world, you'd say "it's no Shakespeare, but..."), but it is one hell of a good time. It's a perfect summer escape movie filled with hilarious turns and music everyone knows.

Go in expecting to laugh. Maybe even have a drink first (the stage version is well known for having waitress service... during the show). Don't take it too seriously. You'll have a blast.

And good luck restraining yourself from singing along.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Image from Wikipedia
The Good
First off, the visuals in this flick are nothing short of wonderful. Some of the things depicted may be overly weird from time to time (the mirror man, the fairies emerging from birds, queen goo, etc), but it was all solid by my book. I also really enjoyed the overall plot of the movie, which took a pretty creative approach to the same old story we all know.

Performance-wise, the cast is decently strong. Chris Hemsworth basically plays a more naturalistic Thor here, which is more than fine by me. Charlize Theron is absolutely spectacular as the Evil Queen, to the point where you wish there was more Queen, less Snow White. Which brings me to the bad...

The Bad
If Kristen Stewart wasn't the chick from Twilight, she would not be in this movie, and the movie would be far, far better off. I do wonder what this could have been like if Snow White had any personality at all, or possessed any of the charisma the characters keep saying she does. Just a hunch, but I'd bet it'd make for a better film.

Another problem is the length of the movie. The movie is listed as running 2 hours and 7 minutes... and it felt every bit as long, if not longer. The pacing of the film is a bit plodding in spots, but if the Snow White scenes weren't so boring, I don't know if I'd feel the same way.

This is a fine movie, except for the presence of Kristen Stewart (I hesitate to call it a performance). All the ingredients are here for a strong summer flick, but when the leading lady is as milquetoast as it comes, it's a tough hurdle to overcome. Still though, the movie isn't a waste of time, if only for Charlize Theron's masterful turn.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My much belated review of THE AVENGERS

Image from Wikipedia
I initially planned on writing this review immediately after I saw The Avengers, but I couldn't quite put my thoughts into words. I decided to give it a few days. I ended up seeing the movie again... and wound up with the same reaction. Now a number of days removed again, I'm forcing the words.

The Avengers is the finest movie yet from Marvel Studios, the best superhero movie since The Dark Knight (at least) and the best of all possible kickoffs to the summer 2012 movie season (The Hunger Games was too early, regardless of what I might have said previously).

Now I won't pretend that the film is perfect, because it's not. There were a few continuity things (why doesn't Thor want to go make sure Jane is safe for himself?  For a movie like this, the lows could be cellar-floor low, the highs could be astronomically high. Neither were. The team getting torn apart was nice, but never quite seemed as dire as it should have been. The final battle (while extremely entertaining) never really felt out of hand for the team of superheroes, making the outcome not as grand as it could have. But so what? I never felt cheated from these shortfalls. In fact, I was thrilled.

The strength of the movie are the characters. And to me, the strength of the Marvel movies leading up to this was that they were largely character driven; I was delighted to find The Avengers to be the same thing. The egos of the characters, the new relationships being formed, this is what drove the film. To a certain extent, this is also what stood between the final product and absolute greatness, but I'm willing to sacrifice a bit. 

To sum it all up, this was exactly the movie I was hoping for when I really started getting into this whole genre. It had all the moments I was looking for, and some that surprised me. The plot felt familiar, but the film felt fresh. Sure, it wasn't perfect, but it was pretty damn close. 

Good luck with The Avengers 2, Marvel/Disney. It's going to be tough to top this one.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Idol 2012: The Final 2 (plus, my prediction!)

I'll admit: I was a little surprised at last week's results. I honestly don't know which pairing I expected for the final, so I probably would have been surprised by any of them... but no matter.

On to the final.

Simon Fuller's Choices (aka, craptastically boring song choices that took 3 seconds to choose & clear)
  • Jessica Sanchez - I Have Nothing (by Whitney Houston) - Well that was predictable. Jessica do a Whitney song? Who cares if she's done one already, and if she performs every song like a Whitney song? And this is just like every other Jessica performance: boring, predictable, and vaguely sound-alike. Snooze.
  • Phillip Phillips - Stand by Me (by Ben E. King) - Sad to say it, but this one matched Jessica's snoozer of a performance. More of the same old Phillip performance here... but at least he does some original stuff in it. 
"Round 1" winner: nobody. This round served absolutely no purpose, if you ask me. Waste of time.

Favorite Performances (aka, we need a third song, but don't want to make you learn another one)
  • Jessica Sanchez - The Prayer (by Celine Dion) - Meh. I don't even recall Jessica doing this song, but I figured she probably did. It's a Jessica song.
  • Phillip Phillips - Movin' Out (by Billy Joel) - *headtilt* Of all the songs Phillip rocked on the show... he chooses this one? Weird. That said, this was better than I remember it being. And this was a very memorable week for me. 
"Round 2" winner: I'll give a slight edge to Phil. Slight. I think this is the dumbest of the three song choices for the finale... especially when both performers are doing "stand there and sing" type songs, what's the point?

Winner's Songs
  • Jessica Sanchez - Change Nothing - *yawn*. Another ballad? Somebody's coasting to the end... And how she went all sharp and shrieky in the middle didn't help anything. And Jessica wanted to pick a "winner's song"? Sing about magic rainbows next time.
  • Phillip Phillips - Home - If I didn't know better, I'd guess this was a Mumford & Sons song... but Mumford & Sons are awesome. That said... this is Phillip. Heartfelt, just the right vibe, just the right feel... perfect. Took 5 performances in the finale, but FINALLY someone rose to the occasion. 
"Round 3" winner: Phil in a landslide. 

Prediction: to be completely honest, before watching these performances, I was expecting to write something to the effect of "Jessica brought it tonight... and while I'm not sure any female can beat a white guitar playing good looking young male, Jessica should be the winner". Really, I was. It just seemed to me that she did the same thing for so long, she has to have SOMETHING else to use that voice for, plus Phillip has turned in some GREAT performances of late, he's due for a let-down... but nope. I can't do it. With his final performance, Phillip ended the competition. Not only does he fit the usual Idol-winner mold, but he deserves it more than Jessica. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Idol 2012: Top 3, Hometown Visits

Last week's result was something that should have happened weeks ago. Sure, Hollie turned on the jets big time in the past few weeks, but she really shouldn't have had that opportunity (as bad as that sounds).

I have nothing else to say about last week.

Round One: Judge's Choice

  • Josh Ledet - Randy's Choice: I'd Rather Be Blind (by Etta James) - Until the end, this seemed like a song that was given to Josh with the message "sing this". That's it. He did the whole Josh wailing thing at the end that's put him where he is, but meh. Seen it before. Of course, the judges gave him a standing ovation, but we knew that was going to happen, right? Right.
  • Jessica Sanchez - JLo's Choice: My All (by Mariah Carey) - Jessica performed ballads as Beyonce for so long now I'd actually thought it was her style too. Silly me. Here, she was Mariah Carey. I've said it before: girl has one hell of a voice, but she's boring. And this performance (along with her prior Beyonce ones) shows she's a great mimic. Of course, the judges praise her originality, but we knew that was going to happen, right? Right.
  • Phillip Phillips - Steven's Choice: Beggin' (by Madcon) - What? Josh and Jessica get songs in their wheelhouses, Phil gets something off the wall (for him). I hate this show sometimes. That said… Phil ROCKS it, showing why I love this show. Funny how things change so fast on Idol. 

There's no competition here. Phil took what appeared to be a clear sabotage attempt (to put on my tin foil hat for a moment) and turned it around, making it an Idol moment if you will. If I'm Josh and Jessica, I'm pissed at the clowns on the judges panel.

Round Two: Contestant's Choice

  • Josh - Imagine (by John Lennon) - A lounge-y arrangement of a most overdone song is probably not the best choice, Josh. The performance was incredibly restrained considering the vocalist, almost to the point of being by-the-numbers, very karaoke. Not a bad song choice, just not the best choices within the performance.
  • Jessica - I Don't Want to Miss a Thing (by Aerosmith) - Interesting song choice, but this seemed to me to be a direct answer to Josh's performance. Nice vocals, sure, but by the numbers. Karaoke. The only "chance" taken was the pop diva ending to the song… which she didn't quite nail as much as the judges raved about. But, as noted before, I expect that of the judges. Sleepy.
  • Phil - Disease (by Matchbox 20) - Ah, here's the bus! Phil delivers a very cool performance, changing up the song a bit to fit him, as Phil typically does. A bit by the numbers and karaoke again, but at least he does it well. And the judges trash him for it. Every year at this point in the competition, the judges go out of their way to put through their favorites to the finals (and typically they get their way, save for season 8… but that's neither here nor there). It seems Phil's been put under that bus, let's see how far the judges go in Round 3.

In all, a sleepy, karaoke-like round. I'd definitely say that Phil was the best of the three, but I'm thinking the judges might have neutralized him for the round. Ugh.

Round Three: Jimmy Iovine's Choice

  • Josh - No More Drama (by Mary J. Blige) - To me, this is a repeat of Josh's first performance. The first half of the performance was uninspired, then Josh started wailing. There was a difference, though: I wasn't feeling the wailing. In fact, I felt like I was being yelled at. The whole thing seemed very choreographed, very preachy, very yell. This performance was completely lost on me. I'm SHOCKED there was no standing ovation! I would kill to have Simon's reaction to this one…
  • Jessica - I'll Be There (by The Jackson 5) - Apparently tonight is Jessica's foray into karaoke land. Sure, she sang it well, but what did she bring to the song? Nothing! I get what Jimmy was trying to do with the song choice, but boring. 
  • Phil - We've Got Tonight (by Bob Seeger) - This performance takes me back to season 8, when Kris Allen pulled out the song "Falling Slowly". He did the song pretty much as written, but brought this tenderness, this sweetness, this… brilliance to the song. To me, it was the performance that propelled him to winning the whole show (with other brilliant moments later on, but this one started it). Phil's "We Got Tonight" is his "Falling Slowly". I was absolutely enchanted with this performance. We'll be seeing Phil next week. For sure. And FINALLY, the judges get something right with their ridiculous standing ovations.

Absolutely no competition whatsoever. Phil just gave what may wind up being my favorite performance of the season (much like Kris's "Falling Slowly").

I am not even going to do my winners and losers tonight. Phil was heads and shoulders better than Josh & Jessica tonight, and I'm not even doing an Idol Judge overstatement here. I have honestly no idea who will be eliminated tomorrow, but if there is any justice in the world whatsoever, it won't be Phil. Tour de force evening in my book.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Idol 2012: Top 4, California Dreamin' & Songs They Wish They Wrote

Ugh, Skylar. Gone too soon. I get why (she was pretty meh last week, while Hollie shined), but still not good. Too bad.

I'm feeling wordy tonight. So, sorry. Also, I write this little intro thing after the episode, and apparently I am feeling subconsciously ornery. I blame the absence of Skylar.
  • Phillip Phillips - Have You Ever Seen the Rain? (by CCR) - As I stated last week, I love Phil's style, and I enjoyed this performance. But I'm not blind or deaf: Phil does basically the same thing week in and week out, and this performance is no exception for the most part. I'm not saying he's coasting, because I don't think that's the case... I just wonder if Phil's style doesn't really have that extra gear you sometimes see from contestants at the end of the competition (see: Kris Allen, Haley Reinhart, even Hollie this season). Perhaps he's just shown everything he has to show?
  • Hollie Cavanagh - Faithfully (by Journey) - This performance is exactly why I can't fully get behind Hollie. Sure, she sang this song well... but she didn't bring anything new or different to the song. You're told Hollie is doing "Faithfully", and you can already hear the entire performance in your head. Girl has come a long, long way in this competition... but I'm just not seeing anything consistently special in her performances.
  • Joshua Ledet - You Raise Me Up (by Josh Groban) - Oh, come on. Why this song? Of everything Josh could pick... this song? Nothing new here. In fact, I'd put this song towards the bottom of the "Josh highlight" reel, if you will. I got the whole gospel approach to the song, but the arrangement came off a bit weird, the performance shaky. Not really up to Josh's high level. I think the best part of this performance was afterwards when the judges were reacting, the camera was clearly aimed for the ubiquitous standing ovation from the judges that didn't happen. I'm shocked the judges didn't stand anyway.
  • Jessica Sanchez - Steal Away (by Etta James) - Again, nothing new. Like Phil, I'm pretty sure we've seen everything there is to see from Jessica. Unlike Phil, I wasn't ever enamored with Jessica. Big talent, sure, but never drew me in. 
  • Phil & Josh - This Love (by Maroon 5) - Good stuff. I hate Idol duets.
  • Hollie & Jessica - Eternal Flame (by The Bangles) - LOL, swings. Oh, Idol 2012. Keeping you guessing even when the contestants typically don't shock.
  • All Four of Them - Waiting for a Girl Like You (by Foreigner) - Oh goodie. Group number. I didn't pay attention to this, sorry. I'm a bad wannabe Idol blogger.
  • Phil - Volcano (by Damian Rice) - I don't know this song at all... but perhaps I was wrong about Phil not having another gear. This performance was, quite simply, Phil's best of the competition. It's easy to see that this is the type of music Phil is going to be making, and he has a chance to be as successful as this genre allows. Great stuff. Now see, I knew I could effect the show with my idle musings that don't get posted until after the show. 
  • Hollie - I Can't Make You Love Me (by Bonnie Raitt) - before the song: If Hollie doesn't feel this song, like she did with her Leona Lewis song last week, this will fall completely flat. after the performance: Yep! There were moments where Hollie connected, but they were fleeting, almost artificial feeling. 
  • Josh - It's a Man's World (by James Brown) & Jessica - And I'm Telling You (from Dreamgirls) - these songs, to me, go hand and hand (along with other some other songs you see EVERY year). These songs are what you could call 'judge bait': meaning, do them capably, and the judges of whatever show you are on will go NUTS. You don't have to do anything new to them, either. Just perform them as written, swing your arms around, add in some growls if they are in your repertoire, emphasize the changes to the dynamics of the songs... and bam, pant tents in all of the judges, standing ovation, and statements like "best singer ever on this show" or "best singer of the last 50 years" (both statements used by Jennifer Lopez in the past two weeks). Formulaic, really. As for tonight, Josh and Jessica were both solid tonight with their songs. Neither brought anything revolutionary to the pieces, but as noted, who needs to? Both received standing ovations. Josh even moved JLo to yelling in Spanish. Neither performance deserved the ridiculousness, but they sure got them.

    Damn it, do I miss Simon Cowell.
Ok, had to get that mini-rant out of my system.

Winner of the night... I'll go with Phil, mostly for his second song. I know the judges will insist on Josh or Jessica, but they can't be trusted with anything, they've shown. While the two Js screamed through their judge bait songs, Phil did a somewhat off-the-map tune and showed once again what kind of artist he is. 

Better watch out... Hollie. I'm writing this line at 10:41PM, just 41 minutes after the show ended. Maybe it's because the other three got me worked up... but I don't remember much about Hollie tonight (which is another reason why I blog, incidentally). That doesn't bode well at this stage in the competition. But who knows, maybe she has legions of fans that I don't understand. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Idol 2012: Top 5, British Pop and Songs of the 1960's

Elise :(

I knew it was inevitable. Hell, I even knew it was at least a 50/50 chance it would be last week. Still doesn't make it ok.
  • Hollie Cavanagh - River Deep, Mountain High (by Ike and Tina Turner) - Innnnnteresting, possible train wreck of a song choice… the result isn't really a train wreck, but definitely lacking the spark the song needs. I didn't hate it, but didn't love it.
  • Philip Phillips - The Letter (by The Box Tops) - I don't think I know that song… but I really don't care. That was fabulous. I love Phil's vibe and style, so I'm pretty sure I'd love anything he does that is true to what he does.
  • Skylar Laine - Fortunate Son (by CCR) - Very interesting performance. On one hand, I loved the energy Skylar brought to the song and the vocals were great, both as usual… but as a whole, the performance didn't work for me. I don't know if the song didn't translate to the required countryfication or what, but I didn't love this as I usually do Skylar's performance.
  • The Boys - You've Lost That Loving Feeling (by The Righteous Brothers) - I don't think Phil and Josh could have any less chemistry. A Phil duet without Elise makes me sad. All that said… this duet got better and better as it went on. Also, Phil cracks me up.
  • Jessica Sanchez - Proud Mary (by Ike and Tina Turner) - Yeah, that was a good time. You know from my previous reviews of Jessica that I'm not the biggest fan, but I was definitely a big fan of this performance.
  • Joshua Ledet - Ain't Too Proud to Beg (by The Temptations) - Joshua just makes it look easy. I know, I know, that is Josh's genre, but damn. So easy. 
  • Hollie Cavanagh - Bleeding Love (by Leona Lewis) - For my money, the best performance of the 6 so far. Wonderful vocals, spot on tendernesss and connection. Just beautiful. Hollie is making this competition very, very interesting.
  • Philip Phillips - The Time of the Season (by The Zombies) - Predictable performance… even a bit boring. Interesting that Phil hints that he wanted to play more guitar in the song…
  • The Girls - Higher and Higher (by Jackie Wilson) - The only thing more silly than duets on Idol… trios! They are especially useless when the songs aren't written as trios, so it literally becomes a rotation of solos. Which this was. Skylar comes off the best. 
  • Skylar Laine - You Don't Have to Say You Love Me (by Dusty Springfield) - Another very interesting performance. This song was a return to form for Skylar in parts… but at times, it almost seemed like a desperate contestant trying to cling to her chances. That said, more hit than miss. 
  • Jessica Sanchez - You Are So Beautiful (by Joe Cocker) - And a return to the beautifully sung yet super boring Jessica. We get it, you can sang. brb, nap time.
  • Joshua Ledet - To Love Somebody (by Tom Jones) - I generally don't like all the things Josh did in this performance. The gyrations, the screaming, the judges giving yet another standing ovation… but screw that. Easily the best performance of the night, and by far my favorite performance from Josh this season. The first time I've truly bought into the Josh hype. 
I don't want to do my own version of a power rankings system, but if I did... I think I'd move Josh to the top this week. I wouldn't go as far as proclaiming him my favorite for the season, but I can easily see him winning at this point. Onward.

Winner of the night... Josh. Definitely Josh. Hollie is also up here in this category. 

Better watch out... You know, I have NO idea. As I wrote after her second performance, Hollie has made this competition very interesting. I could easily envision a scenario where any of the five contestants could go home this week (Hollie was underwhelming for SO LONG. Josh has been over-hyped to the point of nausea. Skylar is been in the bottom 2/3 multiple times. Phil was very safe this week. Jessica has been eliminated once already.). So, I'm not going to do this category this week. All five contestants better watch out.

Monday, April 30, 2012


I am SO DAMN EXCITED for this Friday, for a variety of reasons.

The Avengers, and My Recent Superhero Obsession

I haven't really posted about it on here, aside from a few movie reviews, but over the past year or so, I've really, truly been bitten by the superhero bug. I'd seen pretty much all of the previous superhero/comic book movies (Batman, Spider-Man, X-Men, Iron Man, etc), and enjoyed them all pretty much, but not really to the point where I wanted to go into that world more.

Then came Thor.

It's not like Thor was the be-all and end-all of comic book superhero movies. While it was a great time and a very strong movie in my book, I wouldn't even put it top five of recent movies in the genre. I think what really grabbed me was how everything was completely wound together that all these Marvel movies were all interconnected, yet stand-alone at the same time. For some reason, that was awesome to me. I hadn't seen Hulk yet, so this was really the first time I'd seen this whole scheme in action. I wanted to read more into this whole Marvel world, but didn't quite take the leap yet.

Then came X-Men: First Class.

This one... this one really pulled me in. There were no Avengers tie-ins here, but after completely falling for this movie (I WOULD put this one in my top 5), I did a little comic book research and found the X-Men and Avengers were linked from the very beginning... Spider-Man too?!? Oh man. I was hooked.

I'm not really sure why exactly I love all this superhero stuff. Regular readers of this blog know of my love for escapism, and I'm sure that's a part of it... it's something new and fresh in my life, which is most certainly welcomed. But is that all of it? Who knows, I don't feel like delving into the why here. All I know is I love it so.

The Summer Movie Season

Beyond The Avengers, there is a legit plethora of movies coming out this summer that I am jazzed about. Yes, jazzed. In fact, starting this Friday, May 4, there is a new movie every single week through August 3 that I want to see, for assorted reasons.

May 4 The Avengers
May 11 Dark Shadows*
May 18 Battleship & The Dictator
May 25 Men in Black 3
June 1 Snow White and the Huntsman
June 8 Prometheus
June 15 Rock of Ages
June 22 BraveAbraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
June 29 Magic Mike*
July 3 The Amazing Spider-Man
July 13 Ted
July 20 The Dark Knight Rises
August 3 Total Recall & The Bourne Legacy 

Sure, some of those movies are included in that list to merely "keep the streak alive" (the ones marked with asterisks), but all the movies on the list do interest me for one reason or another. Interesting cast, interesting premise, absurdity, favorite genres, bizarre pairings of talents (once again, Magic Mike gets it's own category), etc. This is shaping up to be a most exciting summer.

Now, as excited as I am about these movies, I am met with some trepidation. You see, I'm the OCD type that likes to be exposed to the original material first, if possible. The Avengers is preceeded by five movies, for example. Must re-watch those first. I really don't care to watch the Dark Shadows television series... but there are two prior Men in Black movies, four Alien movies, three Spider-Man movies, two Nolan Batman movies, the original Total Recall and three Bourne films to watch. There are also novels involved, but I certainly won't have time for those. Good thing I have Netflix and too much spare time!

If this were an instant message or something, a winking emoticon would follow that last sentence.

But seriously, if I actually see all the movies on the list and the movies leading up to them, that's thirty five movies between now and the weekend of August 3. That sounds silly and amazing. Absurd and exciting. Simultaneously. I hope to do it. I may keep a tracker. Probably on Twitter. Yes, definitely on Twitter. In fact, I'll generate a hash tag and embed it on the blog.

I will start right now.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Idol 2012: Top 6, The Songs of Queen (plus Contestant's Choice)

Aw, Colton. It's getting the point in the season where anything can happen, and all the contestants are so close that that gets amplified... so things like Colton going home happen. Disappointing, but the name of the game.

I love Queen. That's all the introduction this week needs.

Idol group numbers are always so awkward, usually hilariously so. This one isn't all that hilarious, but still awkward. I think the problem with these is that you have a large number of solo singers trying to stand out, which leads to a whole big mess, and usually one person dominating everyone else. Tonight? Elise. Everyone else, shut it, let Elise rock Queen.

  • Jessica Sanchez - Bohemian Rhapsody - What's with the black and wh--DISEMBODIED FLOATING HEADS. OMG. Yeah yeah, usual Jessica performance, both upbeat and ballad, whatever. Let's talk the extra Jessica heads. That was amazing.
  • Skylar Laine - The Show Must Go On - YES. I have nothing more beyond that. YES. 
  • Josh Ledet - Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Good stuff. Probably my favorite Josh performance in a while… but WTF is with the constant standing ovation for Josh? Every. Single. Week.
  • Elise Testone - I Want It All - Oh man. This is going to be a fantabulous episode of Idol tonight, isn't it? JLo says it right: everything came together here. This is Elise's element. 
  • Phillip Phillips - Fat Bottomed Girls - Queen isn't exactly Phil's wheelhouse, but that was fun. Good stuff. Nowhere near Phil's best, but he weathered the theme, if you will, without doing the usual Phil performance. 
  • Hollie Cavanaugh - Save Me - Speaking of usual performance… same old same old from Hollie. Sounded fine, but that's about it. 
  • Jessica Sanchez - Dance With My Father (by Luther Vandross) - I thought for sure Josh was going to sing this… anyhoo. Wonderful job. I've never really loved this song, but I loved Jessica's take on it. For a change.
  • Skylar Laine - Tattoos on this Town (by Jason Aldean) - I didn't love the song to be honest, but Skylar singing actual country is always a treat. This girl is going to have a hell of a career. 
  • Josh Ledet - Ready for Love (by India.Arie) - Another song I've never been crazy about, but another song sung well from Josh. And, shocker, another standing ovation! 
  • Elise Testone - Bold as Love (by Jimi Hendrix) - Elise just does her thing, is awesome, and calls it a night. No big deal. 
  • Phillip Phillips - The Stone (by Dave Matthews Band) - I've never been crazy about music by DMB, and this is no exception. I liked the performance as a whole, but meh to the song.
  • Hollie Cavanaugh - The Climb (by Miley Cyrus) - Who knew Hollie would pick this song? Oh, everyone, right. That said… wow. EVERYTHING that was blah or meh about Hollie earlier tonight was fixed in this performance. Easily her best of the competition, just may be the best performance of the night. Oh, Hollie, how to complicate things!
I love this season of Idol. There, I said it. I liked last year, but this year is about 10x better. It's not quite season 8... but what is?

Winner of the Night... Skylar. Hollie will also get a big bump in this "category", because she hit a homerun going last, but Skylar. I'm not convinced a girl will win this season, and am really not convinced a country girl can win again... but if anyone can, it's Skylar. I love her.

Better watch out... I honestly have no idea. I'd say Phil had the weakest night tonight, but I see him as the front-runner, really. Hollie based on past performances? Elise based on past result shows? Jessica? Hollie is probably 6th if I were to do some sort of 'power ranking' thing, but who knows after her 2nd performance. Could be another zomgshocker tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Idol 2012: Top 7 (Part II), Now & Then


Except that if you count the weeks, you see that it had to be used. So, there's that.

The question: is America sick of Jessica, or is it voter complacency? I'm leaning towards the latter... but who knows.

"Now & Them" week. An Idol standby. But a decent enough theme.

  • Hollie Cavanaugh - Rolling in the Deep (by Adele) - I never would have guessed Hollie would do this song! /sarcasm… A good performance, though, probably Hollie's best. 
  • Colton Dixon - Bad Romance (by Lady Gaga) - I get what Colton was trying to do… but misfire. I wasn't digging that. Maybe it was the compacted performance, but everything seemed rushed and not fully realized.
  • Elise Testone - No One (by Alicia Keys) - A safe song choice, sure… but flawless, effortless vocals. FLAWLESS.
  • Phillip Phillips - U Got It Bad (by Usher) - I initially thought this was a train wreck waiting to happen… but not the case in the slightest. Quite the opposite, actually. Just might be Phil's best performance to date. 
  • Jessica Sanchez - Fallin' (by Alicia Keys) - This performance was nothing new. Strong vocals (as usual), Beyonce-like focus and vocals (seen it), random red things all over stage (seen it). Boringness got her voted out last week… then this. 
  • Skylar Laine - Born This Way (by Lady Gaga) - Performing with Sons of Sylvia! Niiiice. I continue to not really enjoy the country Born This Way… but this performance was spot-on. As the judges gushed about, this is Skylar's third straight powerhouse performance. Loved it.
  • Josh Ledet - I Believe (by Fantasia) - Good, I guess. I've never really 'gotten' Fantasia, and didn't really 'get' this performance. Josh definitely felt it, though.
  • Hollie Cavanaugh - Son of a Preacher Man (by Dusty Springfield) - Meh. A bit of a return to the underwhelming Hollie of old. The judges loved this, but we know they can't be trusted.
  • Colton Dixon - September (by Earth, Wind and Fire) - Giant tree! A bit safe, but Colton made an iconic song his own. Personally, I liked this better than Bad Romance.
  • Elise Testone - Let's Get It On (by Marvin Gaye) - Underwhelming after the master class she put on earlier. The song choice could have been MUCH better. Trying to have a discussion with the judges about critique is usually a kiss of death, too… eek.
  • Phillip Phillips - In the Midnight Hour (by Wilson Pickett) - Phil sans guitar! Fun performance, if a bit un-Phil-like. Both smart decisions. Good night for Phil. "Brilliantly awkward" indeed, Steven.
  • Jessica Sanchez - Try a Little Tenderness (by Otis Redding) - MUCH more interesting performance to me by Jessica. Good stuff.
  • Skylar Laine - Heard It Though the Grapevine (by Marvin Gaye) - More Sons of Sylvia, and more awesomeness from Skylar. Good night for Skylar, too.
  • Josh Ledet - Change Is Gonna Come (by Sam Cooke) - Good stuff, sure… but easily the most obvious performance of the night. 
Winner of the Night... Skylar. Easily, Skylar. Phillip also had a very good night, but Skylar turned in two finale-calibur performances.

Better watch out... Elise or Hollie. I'm biased so I'll say Hollie will get booted. The third member of the bottom three will be interesting to see...

(The return of) Loser of the Night... Sons of Sylvia. Like two years ago, they were being pushed as the next best thing in country music, with a plum spot on Carrie Underwood's album and an opening gig for her on tour... and now they are backing up an American Idol contestant with no credit given. Eek.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Idol 2012: Top 7, Songs from the Last Three Years

Last week went as it should have. Good.

How random of a theme. They call it "Songs from This Decade"... but my title is more descriptive.

  • Skylar Laine - (by Kellie Pickler) - Fantastic. Everything about this performance was fantastic. Bravo. Skylar going first though… that's a concern.
  • Colton Dixon - Love the Way You Lie (by Skylar Gray) - broken record: Fantastic. Everything about this performance was fantastic. Bravo. A little safe perhaps, but I don't care.
  • Elise Testone & Philip Phillips - Somebody I Used to Know (by Gotye) - Elise pretty much kicked Philip's ass on this… but that's ok. I hope this is on iTunes…
  • Jessica Sanchez - Stuttering (by Jazmine Sullivan) - I'm starting to lose any interest I had in Jessica. Hella talented, absolutely… but I'm bored.
  • Josh Ledet - Runaway Baby (by Bruno Mars) - I'm 100% certain the judges have never heard this song before. Josh did the song as written aside from needlessly wailing the end of it… but he's dynamic and a performer! Go him! 
  • Colton Dixon & Skylar Laine - Don't You Wanna Stay (by Jason Aldean & Kelly Clarkson) - This is like a genre flip that's throwing me for a loop. Sad to say… this was an unfortunate mess. 
  • Hollie Cavanagh - Perfect (by P!nk) - A noble attempt, but Hollie's too… rigid for midtempo pop music. Unfortunate misfire.
  • Philip Phillips - Give a Little More (by Maroon 5) - I almost didn't recognize this song, but in a good way. I totally admit my bias here, but I kinda loved this. He does do pretty much the same thing every week, so he needs to be a bit careful.
  • Josh Ledet, Jessica Sanchez & Hollie Cavanagh - Stronger (by Kelly Clarkson) - Ah, when a trio sings an duo arrangement. Third voice, just wail in the background. The third voice consistently sounded good, the two voices in harmony sounded weird, and the solos were all meh.
  • Elise Testone - Yoü and I (by Lady Gaga) - LOVE Elise at the piano. Strong performance overall, but a bit safe for me. Nothing spectacular or really new from Elise. Great vocals as usual, but pretty much as expected.
Overall, this was yet another strong night for the contestants. This is a strong season, methinks. BUT… everyone was rather safe tonight. There wasn't a single moment where you sat back and say "wow, I wasn't expecting that". Or, at least, I didn't have a moment like that.

Winner of the Night… Skylar? Colton? I'll call it a draw between the two of them. Them going so early might even it all out, though.

Better watch out… Hollie. No question. She's likely a goner. The rest of the bottom three will be interesting, though. It seems to me that everyone is pretty bunched up, so there could be a surprise here… but it'll probably be an all-girl bottom 3, because that's how the voters role: Hollie, Skylar and Elise. Unfortunate for the last two, but that's hot it goes.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Idol 2012: Top 8, 80's Week

Heejun gone! He was one of the two right choices. And the other right choice was buried at the top of the show tonight. Huzzah!

  • Deandre Brackensick - I Like It (by Debarge) - Bury him at the top of the show, I like it. MUCH better than last week, but still not a fan. 
  • Elise Testone - I Wanna Know What Love Is (by Foreigner) - Would have loved her to do "Hallelujah", too… I think "tour de force" is the word I'm searching for here. Apparently I saw a different performance than the judges…
  • Colton Dixon & Skylar Laine - Islands in the Stream (by Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton) - Cute. Seemed artificial, but I liked the harmonies.
  • Phil Phillips - That's All (by Genesis) - Seemed tentative at points, but worked it out by the end. Nothing we haven't seen from Phil though…
  • Hollie Cavanagh & Deandre Brackensick - I'm So Excited (by The Pointer Sisters) - Hollie doing an uptempo song is a breath of fresh air. The performance can't escape Deandre, though…
  • Josh Ledet - If You Don't Know Me by Now (by Simply Red) - Haven't we seen this same exact performance from Josh already? 
  • Jessica Sanchez - How Will I Know? (by Whitney Houston) - Not shabby. Nothing shocking, which is probably expected, given it's Jessia singing Whitney.
  • Phil Phillips & Elise Testone - Stop Dragging My Heart Around - Stevie Nicks & Tom Petty - Loved this, as expected. But Phil, dear, keep the guitar.
  • Hollie Cavanagh - What a Feeling (by Irene Cara) - I was excited for this after hearing Hollie's duet… but a misfire. Shaky performance that never got to where it needed to go. Actually, it came off incredibly desperate.
  • Josh Ledet & Jessica Sanchez - I Knew You Were Waiting for Me (by Aretha Franklin & George Michael) - That was fun.
  • Colton Dixon - Time After Time (by Cyndi Lauper) - Loved the arrangement, but vocals were a touch messy. Still, probably my favorite thus far. And giving credit to the band responsible for the arrangement? How un-Idol like!
  • Skylar Laine - Wind Beneath My Wings (by Bette Midler) - Beautiful performance. Perfect choice after last week's performance, that's for sure. Best of the night.
Another strong night, all in all. I'm not totally convinced there is an absolute star this season, but this is a very strong season in it's own right. I'd be happy with no less than 4 contestants winning, which just may be a new personal record for me at this point...

Winner of the Night... Skylar. She took a VERY recognizable song, put her own personal stamp on it, and hit it out of the park. Great stuff.

Better watch out... Deandre and Hollie. The former turned in a completely unmemorable performance leading off the show... never good. And Hollie completely misfired on her solo. Given that she's a girl, she's my pick to go home this week.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Idol 2012: Top 9, Songs from their Idols

Blech, America. The 'vote out the girls!' voting tendencies claims another talented female vocalist. I wouldn't say Erika was the most talented of the contestants, but she most certainly should have lasted another 3 weeks or so, at least. Ugh. I think they should have kept the So You Think You Can Dance-like voting, with a bottom girl and a bottom guy, with the judges ultimately deciding for a few extra weeks. This is getting silly.

Anyhoo. I love the "choose anything you want, we'll slap a name on it" themes. Really, I do. I am usually annoyed by the theme nights, so theme-less them nights are awesome.

  • Colton Dixon - Everything (by Lifehouse) - Messy vocals, but the usual strong performance.
  • Skylar Laine - Gunpowder and Lead (by Miranda Lambert) - YES. A little karaoke, but spunk to share. Loved it.
  • Heejun Han - A Song For You (by Donnie Hathaway) - I shrugged. I really did. I didn't feel a thing.
  • Hollie Cavanagh - Jesus Take the Wheel (by Carrie Underwood) - Karaoke… but the first time I've felt Hollie. Great vocals.
  • Deandre Brackensick - Sometimes I Cry (by Eric Benet) - Ugh. I hate Deandre's falsetto. So I hated this.
  • Jessica Sanchez - Sweet Dreams (by Beyonce) - The doors were weird. Strong vocals… but didn't love it.
  • Phil Phillips - Still Rainin' (by Jonny Lang) - I think I loved everything about this performance. Absolutely everything.
  • Josh Ledet - Without You (by Mariah Carey) - Made a classic his own. Easily Josh's best. Well played.
  • Elise Testone - Whole Lotta Love (by Led Zepplin) - Surprisingly fabulous. Best of the night. 
Wtf is with the trios, Idol? I hate the cheesy extra performances in competition for the sake of time filling. I mean, I'm more than fine with extra performances, but forcing the contestants into cheesy karaoke medleys is just lame. Save them for time fillers on the results shows, or on tour when cheesiness reign supreme.

Winner of the night... Elise. Elise. Phil. Skylar. Elise. Loved those three, with Elise my absolute favorite. Speaking of tour, those three songs need to appear on the road. Yes, yes and yes.

Better watch out... I'm just going to put Deandre in here permanently until we are all put out of our misery and he's gone. Seriously. He's a trainwreck. But given the predictable voting patterns... Hollie and likely Elise will be here too. Heejun should be as well.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Idol 2012: Top 10: Songs from THE MAN, Billy Joel

Billy Joel. Billy Effing Joel. My favorite artist of all time. I'm not one to actually believe that only one artist can do a specific song… but fair warning, I'm sure to be very tough on the Idols this week.

Diddy mentoring the Idols during Billy week. Yep, perfect match. Yep.

And because I know the Billy songbook so well, I'm going to give better song choices for those that fail at that. Or alternate songs I want to hear the contestants sing if they picked right. Yes.

  • Deandre Brackensick - Only the Good Die Young - Bad karaoke. Ugh. - "Keeping the Faith" would have been a far better (if obvious) choice.
  • Erika Van Pelt - New York State of Mind - Sadface. Sounds great, but way over singing the song. - "Downeaster Alexa", anyone?
  • Josh Ledet - She's Got a Way - Awkward yet fitting arrangement. Predictable OTT vocals. - "Everybody Has a Dream" has somewhat of a church-feel… so that'd probably have been a better choice. Also… STEVEN TYLER HAS NEVER HEARD THIS SONG BEFORE?!?!?
  • Skylar Laine - Shameless - Seemed forced until the end. Strange key to start. - Absolutely obvious (and best) choice. "Just the Way You Are" would have been sweet too.
  • Elise Testone - Vienna - Yes. Yes. YES. Weird ending, but YES. - This was the song I had in mind for her from the get-go. No other suggestion. Perfect.
  • Phil Phillips - Movin' Out - I love Phil. Predictable, sure, but I love him. - How 'bout some "Big Shot" or "You May Be Right"?
  • Hollie Cavanagh - Honesty - Fabulous, if a bit pitchy. - I was thinking something a touch more low-key. Perhaps a gender-switched "She's Got a Way"?
  • Heejun Han - My Life - Super awkward, that's for sure. - I thought a ballad for sure. "Just the Way You Are"? 
  • Jessica Sanchez - Everybody Has a Dream - Nothing new, but a return to form after last week. - I have no idea what song Jessica would do. This is one of the few she could wail on, so there you go.
  • Colton Dixon - Piano Man - Without a doubt the best of the night. Stunning. - A nice, chill, smooth ballad was exactly what I was thinking for Colton. Specifically "Summer, Highland Falls" for an unexpected choice… but yeah, "Piano Man" worked. 
I thought I was going to hate this week... but I didn't. Loved it. Maybe I'm still reeling from Colton's performance, but this is easily my favorite week of Idol since season eight.

Winner of the night... is this even a question? Colton by a mile (which is saying something because I really loved Elise and Phil this week, too).

Better watch out... this is tough. Perhaps it's my bias talking, but Deandre's bizarre fangirl backing could be tested. Hollie could be in trouble too. And to round out a bottom three... Heejun?