Thursday, September 19, 2013

My Top TV Shows of 2012-2013

Artwork by Francesco Francavilla
And yes, this is a spoiler for my #1 show.
Since the Emmy Awards are right around the corner (my Emmys predictions post will be up on Sunday), I figure its as good a time as any to rank my TV shows of the 2012-2013 season. Because why not? I watch enough to do it, and I review pretty much everything else on here. That's why.

These rankings are completely subjective, a ranking of my general approval over the entire season. These are different than my Emmy picks... I'm not even considering the Emmys in this list. I simply went through the master list of shows that I watch and put them into three categories (excellent, decent/solid, and eh) without paying attention to the number of shows in each category. Then within those categories, I put them in some semblance of an order. I'm going from Emmys-to-Emmys... shows premiering between early September 2012 and late August 2013 (and in the case of shows that are still running right now, like Dexter and Breaking Bad, I'll evaluate them based on what they've aired thus far).

Without further adieu...

Official 2012-2013 TV Show Rankings.

23. Smash (NBC)
If this show wasn't about my beloved Broadway, I would have given this the Glee treatment and kicked it out of my life without the slightest bit of hesitation.

22. House of Lies (Showtime)
Absolutely loved the first season of this show, but the change in tone for season 2 was really off-putting. Still a show I enjoyed watching, but it was a bit more of a chore than the first season.

21. Girls (HBO)
Another case of enjoyed the first season, but the second didn't do it for me. Perhaps it's part of a larger plan, but the character development in season 2 made me want to punch someone in the head.

20. New Girl (FOX)
More of the same. I found season 1 full of charm and quirkiness, but season 2 was tiresome by the end, as they tried to make the characters actual people. Problematic.

19. Elementary (CBS)
A noble attempt to capture what the BBC's Sherlock does effortlessly, modernizing Sherlock Holmes. CBS succeeded in that, but the end result was yet another twist on the CSI formula CBS has in abundance.

18. Doctor Who (BBC America)

The early Amy/Rory episodes (save for Asylum of the Daleks) lacked focus, a trait shared with the later Clara episodes. The middle episodes, however? Good stuff. Uneven series (British!) as a whole.

17 (tie). 30 Rock (NBC - Final Season)
17 (tie). The Office (NBC - Final Season)

Both series, for me, returned to form a bit by the end of their runs. The Office, especially, should be commended for it after a run of bad stuff since Steve Carrell left the series. 

16. Dexter (Showtime - Final Season)
The closing moments of episode 11 worked, and the finale may well be fantastic, but it's too little, too late for the show. It was a season of false starts, the storylines never quite building to something that would send the show off right.

15 (tie). Boardwalk Empire (HBO)
These two shows have nothing to do with each other, so they get separate blurbs. While I understood the need to tear Nucky's world down, the end result seemingly changed the character altogether. I get it, but I didn't enjoy the season as I did previous ones.

15 (tie). Downton Abbey (PBS)
To be honest, PBS is the reason this show is so "low" on my list. Had the twist at the end of the Christmas special not been spoiled by months due to PBS airing on a 6 month delay, my memories of the season might not be as tainted. Alas, that is it's reality.

14. Veep (HBO)
This is an example of a show building on a strong first season, changing tone a bit, and still getting it right. Loved Selina as a moron, loved her even more as an actual politician.

13. Homeland (Showtime)
Despite a major (and probably expected) drop off from season 1, Homeland was still a must-watch. Not many shows on this list where you have literally no idea what the end-game is, and that's great.

12. True Blood (HBO)
12? Really? I know. But I absolutely loved this season. Maybe it was the shortened length, but the re-focusing on the core characters really helped. The new showrunner also seemed to embrace the inherent cheesiness a bit more than in the past, which is certainly welcome. Fantastic rebound.

11. Shameless (Showtime)
Emmy Rossum's performance the entire season was top-notch. The show suffers a bit by Frank never changing, but his dastardly deeds went to new lengths this year. Made for delicious if nauseating TV.

10. Arrow (The CW)
Obviously, I'm a sucker for superhero fare. The split-focus storytelling gets old after a bit, but both stories are compelling enough to warrant time. And a fantastic finale certainly keeps things fresh in my mind.

9. Fringe (FOX - Final Season)
Truly fabulous finale for a truly fabulous series. Tragically disappointing ratings, but massive kudos to FOX for letting this show conclude right.

8 (tie). The Walking Dead (AMC)
8 (tie). Game of Thrones (AMC)

The genre shows packaged together. Both shows had their strengths of the season, but the actual close to their seasons were not them. Game of Thrones suffered from the let-down from the Red Wedding, and Walking Dead made the puzzling decision to let The Governor live. That said, the latter provides for some interesting stuff in the new season.

7. The Americans (FX)

Fantastic suspense, great performances, didn't get the buzz it deserved. I wonder about the long-term options for the show (like Homeland), but I'm excited to see it through.

6 (tie). The Mindy Project (FOX)
6 (tie). How I Met Your Mother (CBS) 

Perhaps it was The Mindy Project's high enjoyment level that hurt New Girl. Quite possible. But I love it. Mindy Kaling is used perfectly, coming off quirky and adorable while simultaneously human. Whereas some shows had disappointing finales that leave a bad taste in your mouth, How I Met Your Mother didn't have that. In fact, the long-awaited reveal of the mother made for one incredibly long summer of waiting.

5. The Newsroom (HBO)
I didn't love the pace the overall story unfolded at, but the content of the episodes were top-notch. I know Aaron Sorkin's writing has its detractors and I fully acknowledge its faults (females, relationships, too smart, etc), I absolutely love it.

4. Parks and Recreation (NBC)
I read something at some point that P&R was on a Cheers-like run of constant laughs... and that is 100% accurate. Best comedy on television, for my money.

3 (tie). House of Cards (Netflix)
3 (tie). Orange is the New Black (Netflix)

These totally count. In both cases, I actually looked up how they ended up on Netflix, and I still don't get it. Did networks actually pass on these shows? House of Cards is great drama and better performances, and OITNB had the best blend of characters I've seen on a show in a long, long time. Top notch, both of them.

2. Mad Men (AMC)
Another return-to-form season. Mad Men set the bar really, really high in the past... and this season might have been the show's best. I could have used more Joan, but minor quibble.

1. Breaking Bad (AMC - Final Season) 
The season isn't over yet, I know.... but it doesn't matter. I initially thought that there was no topping the shootout episode, but I was proved incorrect the next week. I've never watched a show that left me in physical pain before. Breaking Bad does just that, and it's a GREAT thing.